Vaping Myths

10 Vaping Myths Debunked

There’s no denying that vaping has become more and more popular in recent years. In fact, a recent study has found that a whopping 3 million people in the UK alone vape e-liquids. With the rise in its popularity, it’s no wonder that myths have started cropping up surrounding this new method of smoking. From using vapes as a quick and easy way to stop smoking to the popcorn lung vaping myth, we dive into all of the prevalent myths today surrounding vaping. Read on to discover common vaping myths debunked! 

10 Vaping Myths Debunked 

1. Second-hand vape smoke can harm others 

Although research into this myth is ongoing, the NHS reports that any risk from passive smoking is small when compared to second-hand smoke from cigarettes. On top of this, there are currently no laws about vaping in public spaces. However, premises are free to ban vaping at their discretion. 

2. Vaping can help you quit smoking 

Due to the current regulations, we can’t say that vaping can help you quit smoking. However, a recent study by the NHS highlights that there is evidence to suggest that people who tried vaping in a bid to quit smoking were twice as likely to stop for good when compared to people who used popular nicotine replacement patches and gum.  

3. You can get popcorn lung from vaping 

One of the biggest myths here in the UK surrounding vaping is that you can get something called “popcorn lung” when you vape. The popcorn lung vaping myth started due to the fact that some vapes contain a substance called diacetyl, which famously caused workers in a popcorn factory to come down with a condition called bronchiolitis obliterans. 

In the UK, vapes are banned from containing diacetyl, so risk factors for this rare disease are low. 

4. Vaping is just as (if not more) harmful as cigarettes 

Although a lot of people in the UK believe that the nicotine in cigarettes is what causes cancer, this isn’t strictly the case. In fact, it has been found that cigarettes house a multitude of diverse carcinogens related to cancer. And, while nicotine is also found in vaping, the aromatic amines, aldehydes and other carcinogenic properties found in cigarettes aren’t present in vaping products.

5. Vaping is a gateway that enables teenagers and young people to smoke cigarettes 

Although it’s true that a lot of content on social media depicts younger people vaping and smoking e-cigarettes, the truth is that young people in the UK are smoking less and less. This recent data discovery was made by Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), which decided to challenge the myth that vaping leads to smoking cigarettes in younger people throughout the UK. 

6. E-liquids contain formaldehyde 

This myth has risen and fallen in popularity over the years, but it is untrue that vapes contain formaldehyde. Back in 2015, a study conducted by the New England Journal of Medicine found that e-cigs and vaping products contained the dangerous drug commonly used in the embalming process. However, the methodology for this study heated e-juice to an incredibly high level. Unlike the levels of heat found when actually using a vape, the study heated the liquid to a point where the liquid broke down to a completely unusable state, which produced formaldehyde. Therefore, the risk of consumption to people who used vapes and e-cigarettes is 0. 

7. Vaping costs more than smoking cigarettes in the long run 

The NHS predicts that the average smoker in the UK spends roughly £1500 a year to keep up their habit. When it comes to vaping, the cost is more upfront than ongoing. For example, you’ll initially have to pay for your vaping base kit, any accessories you want and your e-liquid. From there all you need to do is pay for your e-liquid top-ups (which can cost as little as £8 depending on your preferred brand). If you smoke an average amount of 30ml a week, that will cost you £260 to maintain over a year. If you purchase a vape starter kit for just under £20, you could be saving well over £1200 a year if you made the switch from cigarettes to vaping. 

8. Vapes are a leading cause of fires in the UK 

Although some fires in recent years have been caused by vapes, there are steps you can take to ensure that you’re being safe when leaving a vape unattended. Fires are likely to be caused by human error, especially vapes that are left unattended when being charged. Other risk factors include vape mods that aim to produce large smoke clouds as these tend to have removable batteries that can become a fire risk when left in pockets with keys or other items than create a close circuit.

9. Vaping isn’t regulated in the UK 

Although this may have been true when vaping was first introduced to the UK market, vaping is now heavily regulated and monitored within the UK and EU markets. All vaping products are to adhere to TPD framework guidelines and in the UK they must adhere to TRPR (Tobacco and Related Products Regulations). 

10. The tobacco industry created vaping to keep people smoking 

We’ll admit, this myth seems pretty far-fetched, but we do understand why people may feel this way. Vaping become popular in the UK when smoking cigarettes was on the decline, so we get why people have come to this conclusion. However, there is no evidence that suggests that vaping or the use of e-cigarettes is encouraging people to continue smoking. In fact, the opposite is true. Vaping has a higher success rate among people who want to quit smoking.

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